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Saturday, February 12, 2011

Frayed views

Ever notice how the minute somebody messes up, automatically your view of them completely changes? You could be sitting there together, eating pudding, and the minute somebody says or does something to offend you, all these nasty thoughts run through your head? Why did I ever trust them? Why is she here? Psh, her apology doesn't mean anything. These thoughts tend to captivate us and hold us in bondage and hate. Then before you know it, you find yourself lashing out on others, hurting their feelings because simply hurt people hurt people. I myself know what this is like, because I used to hate a girl who I grew up with. We were enemies. But God has opened my eyes to something more than hating something that happened in the past. God has taught me to lay this at the cross and move on.

"So now I am giving you a new commandment: Love each other. Just as I have loved you, you should love each other." John 13:34

We are the children of God. We were made to take a stand when everyone else is sitting around comfortable. We were made to preach the Living Water to a parched land. How can we when there are barriers around us?

Jesus died and rose again so that we can freely love God and one another. The cross is a place where you can lay everything that separates you from others, whether it is racial, emotional, or physical things. It's time to be vulnerable and let it go. It's time to love. It's time to follow Christ.


Jessica Lauren said...

Hey girl! :)
I just wanted to let you know that your comment made my day yesterday! I loved hearing about what kind of gifts God has blessed you with. It's kind of exciting to think that God has awesome ways to use each and every one of us.
Keep living the blessed life!
Have a wonderful day. :)

In His Love,

Unknown said...

this makes me smile so so so so much. God is using you girl! Keep serving Him!!