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Thursday, July 12, 2012

Songs :)

1) All He Says I Am by Cody Carnes
This song has impacted me in so many ways, I don't know where to begin. Every single word breathes hope into my hallowed veins. To think that me, a sinner that fails in so many ways, would be loved by a God as mighty and powerful and loving is incredulous.

I think at one point everyone will deal with insecurity at least once in their life. I know I have had a lot of my life dictated by my insecurity, but this song reminds me of the great love God has for me. It's awesome to think about! I'm no orphan anymore. I am new again. I don't have to live with my past, God already knows me future. He views me as special and beautiful and that's all that matters.

Society might think otherwise, that you have to perfect hair and looks and personality. But what matters is that God views you as special. Society might say something, but in the end you won't answer to society. You'll answer to God.

2) Nothing I Hold On To by Will Reagan
This song has helped me through a lot of hard times. Through the good and bad times, I will embrace the mountains in my life with open arms. I am never alone, for God is with me.